Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 22nd

Tuesday I got up tired again but ready for the day. Work at the office. Packed tuna and a boiled egg with 1 slice of whole grain bread slice, water, orange, kashi bar, oatmeal for the day... still need more 100 c tuna
110 slice of whole wheat bread
110 kashi bar
70 orange
1/2 cup of oatmeal (organic) not liking 65 calories
white peach at home -- 60 c
600 calories maybe...I am really running into trouble... and I have to consume more calories. I am trying to focus on protein, but havent found a happy medium yet. I have to focus on my afternoon after lunch. I worked until about 6:30pm and the no eating is more because of the chaotic day I had than anything. I have noticed that my bathroom usage is less frequent i guess less frequent food intake...when i heard drs say one time everyother day... I said what... I may go twice daily... OMG.. okay I know T.M.I.
6 meals a day- 7:30am

went and got some groceries after gym... did stairmaster for 20 minutes 190 c and 230 for 30 minutes on the elliptical precor with Christy a girl i met at the gym and taught me about the precor machine because of the incline and resistance you get more upper body and glut exercises... and we all know I need help there.

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